Our Award-Winning POS-Platform
Transforms Your Retail IT Landscape.
Scalable. Flexible. Future-Proof.
The API-First Cloud System
for Scaling Retail
The cloud-based POS system can display different user interfaces, allowing you to design your point of sale flexibly. From stationary checkouts and mobile point-of-sale to self-checkout and hybrid solutions - you benefit from one software for all applications.
Create a Future-Proof IT-Infrastructure
by Increasing Flexibility
With a flexible, system-independent POS system, you are investing in the agility of your IT infrastructure.
Combine the best of standard modules and services with individual customizing to find your ideal, cost-efficient solution.
Replace Legacy-Systems Gradually
Gradually transform your existing system into a future-proof architecture thanks to the API-first approach.
Optimize Your Project Planning
The free freedom to choose between Snabble modules, in-house development and 3rd party solutions enables flexible project planning.
Integrate New Modules With Ease
After the one-off integration to the POS platform, you easily integrate further modules for your POS landscape.
Meet All Your Requirements
You ensure that your specific requirements are met by combining standard modules & services with project-based development.
Reduce Your Costs of Innovation
Use state-of-the-art architecture and APIs to decide on the most efficient solution approach.
Enable Operation Teams
The POS platform's backend tools synchronize and enable POS IT, Operation & Sales and Finance.
Drive Results
in Operations And Sales
Personalize the Customer Experience
Integrate your own services for couponing, promotions and loyalty programs, use the services of 3rd party providers or Snabble services.
Gain Insights With Business Intelligence
Analyze KPIs directly from the Retailer Portal or by connecting the data source to a higher-level BI system.
Combine Modules As You Need To
Choose the right mix of modules for all desired checkout scenarios thanks to the standardized software for attended and self-service checkout processes.
Configure Stores in Minutes
Easily manage stores, devices and users via the Retailer Portal with remote access.
Test New Store Concepts Faster
After the one-off integration, you have access to all modules of the POS platform. This speeds up testing and the introduction of new concepts, such as hybrid stores or 24/7 markets.
Partners and Integrations
Further integrations can be undertaken at any time.
Get Your Guided Demo Now
Gain valuable insights into the functionality and integration options of the Snabble POS platform. We will advise you individually, competently and without obligation.
The POS platform is sector-independent and was developed for retail chains and retailers in the SME and enterprise sector whose focus is on stationary business. If you operate a smaller number of stores, you are welcome to have us check your individual requirements, but in the vast majority of cases the return on investment is only positive from a size of at least 20 stores.
Snabble meets the specific requirements for fiscalization in all European countries and the UK.
In general, any ERP system can be connected via Snabble's REST API. Integrations already exist with the most commonly used ERP systems, such as SAP, Algier ERP or Bison ERP.
We understand customizability in three dimensions.
1. Customizability through the API-first approach
Due to the architecture of the Snabble POS platform, the integration effort can be reduced to a minimum. Furthermore, interfaces to any system can be developed.
2. Customizability with regard to retailer-specific requirements
Thanks to the modular structure of the POS platform, you can select exactly the modules and services you need and combine them freely with other solutions. Special processes require customizing, which is implemented with minimal effort thanks to the POS platform's microservice architecture.
3. Adaptability to future requirements
Since we can create interfaces to any system and tailor processes to your individual requirements, you have the advantage that your POS system can keep pace with every technological change, regardless of which topics will be relevant for you in the future.
Contact us now and get custom advice
Book your individual consultation with Patrick Kruschinski
Vorteile für POS-IT
- Ankerpunkt für eine flexible POS-IT
- wenig Aufwand beim Anbinden neuer Module und Schnittstellen
- Innovationen schneller auf den Markt bringen
- Schrittweiser Austausch von veralteten Legacy-Systemen
- einfache Befähigung von Sales & Operations (Konfigurationsthemen)/ Empower Sales & Operations Konfigurationsthemen (Remote Access über Retailer Portal, um neue Filialen, Geräte und Nutzer zuzuschalten in nur wenigen Minuten)
- modul Mandanten-Management für Franchise-Systeme
- Unabhängige Projektplanung
optimaler Projektplan durch die frei wählbaren Kombinationsmöglichkeiten hauseigener Lösungen und 3rd-party Systemen mit denen der POS-Plattform
- Passgenaue Standard-Lösung
Zielorientierte Kombination von Standradlösungen der POS-Plattform mit Customizing je nach individuellen Anforderungen
Für Sales/Operations
weniger Zeitaufwand bei der Einrichtung von Filialen, Geräten und Usern
- unbegrenzte Möglichkeiten zur Anbindung oder Gestaltung von Couponing, Promotions und anderen Loyalty- / Personalisierung Programmen
- passgenauer Modulmix für alle gewünschten Checkout-Szenarien wegen der einheitlichen Software für bediente und self-serviced Kassenprozesse
- einfache Einführung neuer Store-Konzepte, wie z.B. 24/7 oder Hybrid-Märkte
- Business Intelligence
Analyse von Kennzahlen direkt aus dem Retailer Portal oder mittels Anbindung der Datenquelle an ein übergeordnetes BI-System